Bring the lifted portion down, square the lines with the corner of the mattress and tuck it tightly.Ī handheld vacuum will do wonders for the interior of your car, without requiring a whole lot of work on your part, making it possibly the most crucial tool to own if you want to keep a tidy-looking vehicle.Then, tuck the excess fabric under the mattress. Take the sheet on one side of the bed and lift it up, creating a 45 degree fold up the side of the mattress.Starting at the foot of the bed, tuck the sheet tightly under the mattress.Spread the flat sheet over the bed, with overhang on the sides and foot of the bed.
How to make a hospital corner: Do you love a tightly tucked bed? Hospital corners are easy to master, once you know the steps to take: We’re not all moved by the same things, and what a tidy-looking bed does for one person may not do a single thing for another.If you prefer to let the bedlinens air out during the day, make the bed with the sheets exposed by folding the blanket and top sheet halfway down toward the foot of the bed. It’s also worth saying this: Many people think that making the bed is a waste of time, and that’s O.K. Getting into a made bed just feels so good!.Turning down the bed at night is a ritual that can signal to the brain that it’s time for sleep.If you have pets, making the bed helps to keep hair, dander and drool off your sheets.It makes the bedroom look pulled together, and that’s nice to come home to.The dryer sheet doesn’t need to be new you can press a dryer sheet that’s been used for laundry into double duty for this task.Īt the risk of unleashing your latent sullen teenager, it must be said that making the bed every day is a good habit. A milky white film will form, which can be wiped away using water and a squeegee, paper towels or a microfiber cloth. How to remove soap scum: Water spots and soap scum that build up on glass shower doors can drive you crazy, but try this strange tip: Wet a dryer sheet and scrub the glass in a circular motion. This will make much shorter work of what can be a tedious and exhausting chore. Apply a mold- and mildew-eliminating product and let it penetrate the grout before hitting the surface with a stiff-bristled scrub brush. How to clean tile and grout: Let the product do the work for you. It’s always a good idea to test a new product on an inconspicuous spot to ensure that it doesn’t cause discoloration. The instructions will tell you how best to apply a product, and for how long to let it work before wiping or scrubbing away. Many products designed for cleaning the shower and/or tub, sink and toilet do much of the work for you, provided you let them. Give the exterior a once-over with all-purpose cleaner using tools like cotton swabs or an old toothbrush to get into tight corners and other hard-to-reach spots. For deeper cleaning, take off all removable parts and wash it by hand or in the dishwasher. How to clean small appliances: The exterior of small appliances like toasters, coffeemakers and blenders that sit out on countertops should be wiped frequently using all-purpose cleaners to prevent the buildup of splatters and greasy film from cooking. When cleaning stainless steel, scrub with the grain, rather than in a circular motion, to avoid scratching, and use a gentle touch, allowing the product, rather than force, to do the bulk of the cleaning work. A Dobie Pad, which is a nonscratch scrubbing sponge, combined with a gentle powder cleanser will make short work of stubborn messes. How to clean a stovetop: Something tough will be required to scour away baked-on splatters and greasy film.

Stovetops in particular benefit from this type of regular, quick cleaning, as splatters, drips and grease become baked on when left too long. Wipe your counter and stovetops with an all-purpose cleaner after use.

The Dishwasher Debate: While there isn’t an absolutely correct way to load a dishwasher (and what would couples bicker over if such a directive were carved in stone?), there is one universal rule: It is much easier to load from back to front. Dump the solution and wash the pot with hot, soapy water. When the water is cool enough to touch, head in with your sponge and use the baking soda solution to scrub away the scorch. How to Clean a Burned Pot: To clean a badly scorched pot without scrubbing, cover the burned area with a liberal amount of baking soda and pour in enough boiling water to fill the pot a third to halfway up. If you know the task will take just minutes to complete, it will be less difficult to convince yourself to take care of those dishes now. If you’re a person who tends to let dishes pile up in the sink to avoid washing them, try this simple trick to put the effort involved into perspective: For a few days, as you think of it, set a timer before you begin washing the dishes, and make note of how long it took to clean up.